
Harrisfield Kindergarten Philosophy

  • Harrisfield Kindergarten is a multicultural service that strives to provide high quality education for children with a range of diverse needs and abilities.
  • Our Teachers and Educators are responsive to the cultural and religious needs of all families.
  • Our children will develop their skills in a stimulating environment which supports self-esteem and respectful relationships.
  • Through play based learning and participation children will grow to be active contributors in the community.
  • We encourage family involvement in our learning programs and support regular information exchange between home and Kindergarten.


What is Kindergarten all about?
Kindergarten is the beginning of your child’s formal education. These early years are vital as this is when basic attitudes and skills are formed, onto which your child builds as his/her education progresses. Children are different in personality, ability and background. Through observing, listening and talking together the educator comes to know each child more, understanding his/her needs and thus provides learning experiences best suited to the child’s stage of development and interest.

Educational Frameworks
Our Kindergarten’s educational program links their practice to
The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.
Identity: Children have a strong sense of identity.
Community: Children are connected with, and contribute
to their world.
Wellbeing: Children have a strong sense of well being.
Learning: Children are confident and involved learners.
Communication: Children are effective communicators.

Each learning program created by teachers bases its learning experiences around these outcomes to ensure a high quality and relevant program is provided for all children. We also endeavour to prepare children as best as we can for school readiness and transition them for their next step in education.

Learning Through Play

Role Play: Being chefs and waiters/waitresses, firemen, doctors, shop keepers, mums, dads and babies.
Imagination: Making boats, fire engines, cubbies, jewellery, and dress ups.
Fine Motor Skills: Painting, pasting, cutting and drawing, basic writing skills, holding pencils
Gross Motor Skills: Running, simple ball games, climbing, jumping on the trampoline, digging in the sandpit, participating in our Evol Sports Program fortnightly
Socialization: Sharing, communicating, discussing, extending vocabulary, asking questions, being patient, working as a team or in a group with our peers, creating friendships, bonding and developing empathy and respect.


A Sessional Kindergarten located in Noble Park, Victoria.